Unity Shader转SP
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首先通过观察sp自带的clay shader
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| // - Ambient and diffuse contribution diffuseShadingOutput((ambient + NdV) * diffuse); // - Specular contribution specularShadingOutput(vec3(specular * pow(NdV, 64.0 * clayGloss)));
1、这个shader里根本就没有用光照信息(NdV是Normal * View),以及发现clay shader调整光照方向并不会对光影效果产生变化,但它是不是完全和自带光照无关还需确认。
按照clay shader的方法写了一个phong的
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| import lib-vectors.glsl import lib-alpha.glsl import lib-pbr.glsl import lib-utils.glsl //- Phong shader //- =========== //: param auto channel_basecolor uniform sampler2D basecolor_tex; //: param custom { "default": 0.5, "label": "Specular", "min": 0.001, "max": 1.0 } uniform float specular; //: param custom { "default": 0.5, "label": "Glossiness", "min": 0.001, "max": 1.0 } uniform float gloss; //- Entry point of the shader. void shade(V2F inputs) { //- We generate local world space vectors LocalVectors vectors = computeLocalFrame(inputs); //- Simulate camera aligned lighting float NdV = max(0.0, dot(vectors.normal, vectors.eye)); vec3 baseColor = getBaseColor(basecolor_tex, inputs.tex_coord); //- Ambient and diffuse contribution diffuseShadingOutput(NdV * baseColor); //- Specular contribution specularShadingOutput(specular * vec3(pow(NdV, 64.0 * gloss))); }
按照这个写法写unity shader,并将Unity的颜色空间改为linear(因为SP中是默认Linear),而且将SP的天空盒光照强度变为0
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| // ... fixed3 normalizedNormal = normalize(i.worldNormal); fixed3 normalizedViewDir = normalize(i.worldViewDir); float NdV = saturate(dot(normalizedNormal, normalizedViewDir));
fixed3 albedo = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv); fixed3 diffuse = albedo * NdV; fixed3 specular = _Specular * pow(NdV, 64.0 * _Glossness); return fixed4((diffuse + specular), 1); // ...
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| fixed3 halfDir = normalize(normalizedLightDir + normalizedViewDir); float NdV = saturate(dot(normalizedNormal, normalizedViewDir)); float NdL = saturate(dot(normalizedNormal, normalizedLightDir)); float NdH = saturate(dot(normalizedNormal, halfDir)); fixed3 albedo = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv); fixed3 diffuse = albedo * NdL; fixed3 specular = _Specular * pow(NdH, 64.0 * _Glossness); return fixed4((diffuse + specular), 1);
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| // mainLight的参数做个对外接口,可调节 vec3 halfDir = normalize(mainLight.direction + vectors.eye); float NdV = max(0.0, dot(vectors.normal, vectors.eye)); float NdL = max(0.0, dot(vectors.normal, mainLight.direction)); float NdH = max(0.0, dot(vectors.normal, halfDir)); vec3 baseColor = getBaseColor(basecolor_tex, inputs.tex_coord); //- Ambient and diffuse contribution diffuseShadingOutput(NdL * baseColor); //- Specular contribution specularShadingOutput(specular * vec3(pow(NdH, 64.0 * gloss)));